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What is the Engage Feature?

Introducing Engage, a new feature by Percept Insight. Engage is your secret weapon to building a bond with your customers that nobody can break. With Percept's analytical prowess, you can unlock hidden secrets and growth opportunities, while crafting personalized messages to engage customers.

How Engage Feature Helps Your Business?

Key Benefits:

  • User Engagement helps businesses make strategic decisions by understanding customer behaviors.
  • Businesses can improve the customer experience by using targeted campaigns for personalized interactions.
  • The feature helps improve performance. You can configure campaigns based on specific user actions.

How Engage Feature Works?

With the Engage feature, Percept users can configure campaigns through a simple process.

For instance, to address a drop in order placement rates, you can create a campaign targeting your website visitors who added items to their cart but haven't placed an order within a specified time frame.

Let us understand with an example

Consider a campaign named "Cart Drop Offs." Users can customize the campaign by setting criteria like the maximum daily notifications, campaign end date, target audience, and communication type. Now, they can choose to send push notifications to users who added items to the cart but haven't placed an order within 30 minutes.

Getting Started:

Engage Feature

To get started with User Engagement, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Visit Percept's Engage section.
  • Step 2: Click on "New" to create a new campaign.
  • Step 3: Fill in details on the Campaign Info page, including “Campaign Name”, “Description”, “Max user engagement per day”, and “Campaign end date”.
  • Step 4: Next, define the Target Audience by selecting the user segment, events performed, and events not performed within a specified time.
  • In the final step, you will configure communication. This involves adding a specific type, like Push Notification. You will also need to provide a title, description, and optional image.

And voila! it's done.

Configure Communications:

1. WhatsApp:

WhatsApp is a messaging platform that allows users to send text messages, voice messages, images, and videos over the internet. It offers a convenient way to reach users on their mobile devices.

How It Works:

  • Step 1: Select WhatsApp template from the dropdown menu.
  • Step 2: Check the preview to ensure the message format is correct.
  • Step 3: Update any necessary details and save the campaign.

2. Push Notification:

Push notifications are messages that are sent directly to a user's device, typically via a mobile app or web browser. They are used to deliver real-time updates and engage users even when they're not actively using the app or website.

How It Works:

  • Step 1: Enter the appropriate title for the notification.
  • Step 2: Craft a concise message for the notification.
  • Step 3: Provide the URL of the image to be included in the notification (if applicable).
  • Step 4: Specify the target URL users will be directed to upon tapping the notification (if applicable).
  • Step 5: Review the preview to ensure all details are accurate.
  • Step 6: Update and save the campaign.

3. Email:

Email is a widely used communication channel for sending messages, documents, and other content over the internet. It offers a versatile platform for both marketing and transactional communications.

How It Works:

  • Step 1: Enter the appropriate subject line for the email.
  • Step 2: Craft the body of the email with relevant information and calls-to-action.
  • Step 3: Attach any necessary files or documents.
  • Step 4: Review the preview to ensure the email layout is visually appealing and all content is correctly formatted.
  • Step 5: Update any necessary details and save the campaign.

4. SMS (Short Message Service):

SMS is a text messaging service that allows users to send short messages to other mobile devices. It provides a direct and immediate way to communicate with users, particularly for time-sensitive information.

How It Works:

  • Step 1: Select SMS template from the dropdown menu.
  • Step 2: Review the preview for accuracy.
  • Step 3: Update and save the campaign.

5. Webhook:

A webhook is a mechanism for automatically triggering actions in one system based on events that occur in another system. It enables real-time communication between different applications or services over the web.

How It Works:

  • Step 1: Enter the webhook URL where the data should be sent.
  • Step 2: Save the webhook configuration.

Webhook URL Configuration

Tenants should first configure the webhook URL on their side with all the necessary requirements. The URL can be of any format according to the tenant's preference, as long as it meets the specifications provided. Once the URL is created with the required parameters, the tenant can proceed to use this URL to configure webhook communication on the PerceptInsight platform.

1. Endpoint Configuration

1.1 Set up a webhook endpoint on the tenant's system to accept POST requests.

1.2 Configure the endpoint URL according to the tenant's preferred format, ensuring it aligns with the webhook API contract requirements.

2. Request Body Configuration on Tenant Side

2.1 Ensure that the webhook endpoint on the tenant's side is configured to expect the following parameters in the request body:

  • itemId: A string representing the item ID.
  • runId: A string representing the run ID.
  • users: A list of users .

Webhook Format:

"endpoint": "/webhook",
"method": "POST",
"request": {
"metadata": {
"itemId": "string",
"runId": "string"
"users": [
"userId": "string",
"name": "string?",
"email": "string?"
"userId": "string",
"name": "string?",
"email": "string?"
"response": {
"status": "success", // or failure
"error": {
"message": "string",
"code": 400 // an HTTP status code

3. Security Measures

Implement appropriate security measures on the tenant's side to secure the webhook endpoint. This may include using HTTPS and implementing authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.

4. Providing Configuration Details

Once the webhook URL is configured on the tenant's side, it can be utilized within the PerceptInsight platform for configuring campaigns or flexicasts to send webhook communications.

5. Summary

Using the provided webhook URL, configure webhook communication within the PerceptInSight platform for campaigns or flexicasts. This includes setting up the webhook endpoint URL, specifying the event types, and defining any additional parameters required for integration.


User Engagement changes how businesses talk to customers, with a lively and responsive style. Businesses can easily use targeted campaigns because of the simple configuration process.

Congratulations! You have now unlocked the full potential of User Engagement with Percept Insight.

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