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SDK Details

Percept browser SDK

1. Install


npm install @perceptinsight/percept-js


yarn add @perceptinsight/percept-js

script tag

This SDK is also available through CDN. Copy the below script tag and paste before the </head> tag of every page you want to track.

<script type="module">
import Percept from "";

Percept.init("Your Project Token");

Once the script is loaded, you can use window.percept to access the methods

2. Initialize Percept SDK

import Percept from "@perceptinsight/percept-js";

Percept.init("Your Project Token");

init method takes an optional initOptions param as second argument which can be used to configure auto tracked events and other settings. initOptions properties:

propertyrequiredtypedefault value
apiTrackingBlocklistfalsestring | string[][]

3. Set user id

After successfully initializing the SDK, On login set User id using the following function.

await Percept.setUserId('U1');

NOTE: This is an asynchronous call

4. Set user properties

use setUserProperties method to set properties on the user profile created by setUserId

// first call this method
await Percept.setUserId('U1');

// sets user `isVerifiedAccount` property to true
Percept.setUserProperties({isVerifiedAccount: true})

We expose some default user property keys in PERCEPT_DEFAULT_USER_PROPERTIES_KEYS. Please use them as this helps in standarization and usage in the Engage feature provided by Percept.

import Percept, {PERCEPT_DEFAULT_USER_PROPERTIES_KEYS} from '@perceptinsight/percept-js'

// first call this method
await Percept.setUserId('U1');

// sets user `phone` property to '123456789' and `isVerifiedAccount` property to true
Percept.setUserProperties({[PERCEPT_DEFAULT_USER_PROPERTIES_KEYS.PHONE]: 123456789, isVerifiedAccount: true})

5. Send Event

Let's get started by sending event data. You can send an event from anywhere in your application.

// Track only event-name
Percept.capture('Referral Banner Click');
// Track event-name with property
Percept.capture('Screen View', {'screenName': 'Homepage'});

6. Timing Events

You can track the time it took any action to complete using timeEvent method. Calling this method will mark the start of the action and subsequent call to capture method will mark the end. The time duration is recorded in pi_timed_event_duration property.

// Start the time for the event 'Image Upload'
Percept.timeEvent('Image Upload');
// ... some time later. This call capture the 'Image Upload' event with 'pi_timed_event_duration' property
Percept.capture('Image Upload');

7. Set Global Property

Set global property which will be passed with all subsequent events

Percept.setGlobalProperty('global-property-key', 'value');

8. Remove Global Property

Remove any previously set global property


9. Get all global properties

Get all global properties


10. Clear

Call clear function on logout to delete all user related information

await Percept.clear()

Events auto tracked by sdk

1. Page Views with utm params

Page views are auto tracked as $pageView event. It can be disabled by setting autoTrackPageviews to false in init options.
It has url property. Following properties are also available when found in url:
utm_source, utm_medium & utm_campaign\

2. Web vitals

Web vitals are tracked as $webVitals event. It has following properties:
pi_metric_name - CLS/FCP/FID/INP/LCP/TTFB
pi_metric_rating - good/bad/needs improvement
pi_metric_debug_target - origin target if available
url - the page from which this metric was captured

You can read more about web vitals here:

3. Unhandled runtime errors

Unhandled runtime errors are tracked as $unhandledError event. It can be disabled by setting autoTrackRuntimeErrors to false in init options.
Following properties are available as part of this event:


4. Network calls

Network calls are tracked as $fetch event. It is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting autoTrackApiCalls to true in init options. Percept Insight only tracks fetch/xhr calls and static resource calls are not tracked.
You can ask Percept Insight to not track certain api calls by passing the relevant url string/regex or string array in apiTrackingBlocklist parameter in init options.

Following properties are available as part of this event:


Handling Experiments

1. Enabling Experiments

To enable experiment tracking, set the enableExperiment option to true in the initOptions. You can also specify a callback function to handle the experiment data when it is fetched.

const initOptions = {
enableExperiment: true,
experimentFetchedCb: (data) => {
const { experimentData, experimentUserType, isExperimentDataResolved } = data;
if (isExperimentDataResolved) {
console.log('Experiment data fetched:', experimentData);
} else {
console.log('Experiment data could not be resolved.');
experimentRefetchIntervalMin: 10, // Refetch experiment data every 10 minutes

Percept.init('Your Project Token', initOptions);

Note: The experimentRefetchIntervalMin option sets the interval in minutes for automatically refetching experiment data. The interval must be at least 5 minutes. If a value less than 5 is provided, it will be automatically set to 5 minutes and a warning will be logged.

2. Fetching Experiment Data

You can fetch experiment data at any time using the getExperiment method. This method returns a promise that resolves to the variant data for the specified experiment.

const experimentName = 'example-experiment';
const variant = await Percept.getExperiment(experimentName);

if (variant) {
console.log(`User is in variant: ${variant}`);
} else {
console.log('No variant data available');

3. Refetching Experiment Data

If you have set the experimentRefetchIntervalMs option, the SDK will automatically refetch the experiment data at the specified interval. You can also manually refetch the experiment data using the refetchExperiment method.

await Percept.refetchExperiment();

4. Getting All Active Experiments

You can get all active experiments and their variants using the getAllActiveExperiments method.

const activeExperiments = await Percept.getAllActiveExperiments();
console.log('Active experiments:', activeExperiments);

5. Getting Experiment User Type

You can get the user type for experiments using the getExperimentUserType method.

const userType = await Percept.getExperimentUserType();
console.log('Experiment user type:', userType);