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Percept NodeJS SDK

1. Install​

npm install @perceptinsight/percept-node
yarn add @perceptinsight/percept-node

2. Initialize Percept SDK​

import Percept from "@perceptinsight/percept-js";

Percept.init("Your Project Token");

init method takes an optional initOptions param as second argument. initOptions properties:

propertyrequireddefault value

3. Capture Event​

Let's get started by sending event data. You can send an event from anywhere in your application.

// Track only event-name. Second argument is the distinct user id. Pass it as undefined if it is not available. We use this id for all user analysis
Percept.capture('Referral Banner Click', 'USER123');

// Track event-name with property
Percept.capture('Screen View', 'USER123', {'screenName': 'Homepage'});

These calls are queued and flushed on regular interval based on the duration and batch size specified while initialising the sdk.

4. Capture Bulk Events​

You can bypass the queue and capture multiple events in bulk with this call

await Percept.bulkCapture([
eventName: 'Page Viewed',
properties: {
'screenName': 'Homepage'
eventName: 'Order Placed',
properties: {
'orderId': 'order123f31',
'totalAmount': '1200'
], 'USER123');

The response is returned in this call, so that you can handle retry on failures. As such we suggest you to use this with await

5. Set user properties​

use setUserProperties method to set properties on the user profile

// sets user `isVerifiedAccount` property to true
Percept.setUserProperties('USER123', {isVerifiedAccount: true})

We expose some default user property keys in PERCEPT_DEFAULT_USER_PROPERTIES_KEYS. Please use them as this helps in standarization and usage in the Engage feature provided by Percept.

import Percept, {PERCEPT_DEFAULT_USER_PROPERTIES_KEYS} from '@perceptinsight/percept-js'

// sets user `phone` property to '123456789' and `isVerifiedAccount` property to true
Percept.setUserProperties('USER234', {[PERCEPT_DEFAULT_USER_PROPERTIES_KEYS.PHONE]: 123456789, isVerifiedAccount: true})

6. Manually flush the queue​

Percept inner events processing queue can be manually flushed by calling this method


7. Shut down​

Call shutdown function before closing the server to flush any pending events in queue

await Percept.shutDown()

This flushes the events queue and resets the token.